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Now is your chance to make a difference in your Northridge East community!


Candidate filing period for Region 2 ends Tuesday, February 9.

Make a difference in your community, run for a seat on the Northridge East Neighborhood Council board. You can apply by going to or go to the website and click on the elections link.

91 of LA’s 99 Neighborhood Councils are holding elections this season between November 2020 and mid-June 2021. Voting in all NC elections this season will be exclusively Vote-By-Mail.

Who’s on a Neighborhood Council?

While Neighborhood Council board members are volunteers, they are public officials elected by the members of their community. Most board members serve two-year terms; a few Neighborhood Councils have four-year terms. 

Who can run or vote?

Unlike other city, state, or federal elections, voting and being a candidate in Neighborhood Council (NC) elections is open to more than just the residents of a community. Participation is open to those who live, work, or own property or a business within an NC’s boundaries, as well as to “community interest stakeholders,” such as church members, local students (or parents of students), or members of local service organizations.

Candidates need not be US citizens or legal residents to qualify. Participation is also open to the formerly incarcerated. The minimum age to vote is 16; the minimum age to run for most NC seats is 18, except for Youth Seat candidates, who may be between the ages of 14-17.



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