The City has engaged in a massive Sidewalk Repair Program in part to repair and upgrade sidewalks and curb ramps adjacent to City-owned pedestrian facilities, so that they are compliant with applicable accessibility requirements. Street tree removals and replacements, along with utility relocations, may be needed, as well. Additionally, the City may adopt policies and/or ordinances to assist in the administration of the proposed Sidewalk Repair Program and its objectives.
In order to do this, the City must engage in an environmental review of the project. A Notice of Preparation (NOP) and Initial Study (IS), which describe the proposed Sidewalk Repair Program and the anticipated scope of the Environmental Impact Review, are available for public review and comment at the following website:
Ways to provide input:
Make a comment at a scoping meeting:
Wednesday, August 9, 2017 Ronald F Deaton Civic Auditorium |
Monday, August 14, 2017 Mid-Valley Senior Citizen Center |
Thursday, August 24, 2017 Westchester Senior Citizen Center |
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