The City of Los Angeles has launched an unprecedented sidewalk repair program, SAFE SIDEWALKS LA, which will invest $1.4 billion over 30 years to make sidewalks accessible to everyone. These repairs will improve neighborhood safety and boost the quality of life.
Safe Sidewalks LA includes:
- Access Request Program: The program makes repairs requested by/for people with a mobility disability who encounter physical barriers such as broken sidewalks, missing/broken curb ramps or other barriers in the public right of way.
- Rebate Program: A limited-time rebate for eligible property owners willing to pay for their own sidewalk repairs. Owners can receive up to $2,000 for a residential lot or $4,000 for a commercial lot.
- The general public can report a sidewalk in need of repair.
To submit a sidewalk request or for more information on Safe Sidewalks LA, go to: or call 311.
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