LADOT Transit is conducting public hearings for the proposed changes to DASH, Commuter Express, and Cityride services as well as its Title VI Disparate Impact and Disproportionate Burden Policies. Attend a public hearing near you:
- Saturday 8/20 1pm-2pm: Robert M. Wilkinson Multi-Purpose Center, 8956 Vanalden Ave, Northridge, 91324
- Monday 8/22 12pm-1pm: Caltrans Bldg., Conference Rm. 01.037, 100 S Main St, LA, 90012
Monday 8/22 6pm-7pm: Constituent Service Center, 8475 S Vermont Ave, LA, 91324
Tuesday 8/23 6pm-7pm: Glassell Park Senior Center, 3750 Verdugo Rd, LA, 90064
Wednesday 8/24 6pm-7pm: Felicia Mahood Multipurpose Center, 11338 Santa Monica Blvd, LA, 90025
Monday 8/29 6pm-7pm: San Pedro Library, Community Room, 931 S Gaffey St, San Pedro, 90731
Tuesday 8/30 6pm-7pm: Hollywood Recreation Center, 1122 Cole Ave, LA, 90038
Wednesday 8/31 6pm-7pm: Marvin Braude Constituent Service Center, Rm. 1A, 6262 Van Nuys Blvd, Van Nuys, 91401

- The City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT)’s Transit Service Analysis is a thorough line by line analysis designed to shape the future of Commuter Express, DASH and Cityride Services.
- Analyze current transit services
- Determine whether the existing services are meeting expectations
- Identify service expansion opportunities
- Identify new transit routes
- Evaluate Commuter Express and DASH to improve their efficiency and cost – effectiveness, increase ridership and revenue
- Review LADOT’s Cityride Program to examine service options, methods to make the van and taxi services more productive, and identify new approaches to delivering these services.
Los Angeles is an ever-changing city. Its population is one of the most diverse of any city in the US and the transportation needs of its residents are just as diverse. The LADOT Transit Services Analysis took into consideration changes around Los Angeles such as new residential pockets and new employment growth in opportunity areas as well as the public input received to date.
The goals for the study are consistent with the 2014 LADOT Strategic Plan entitled “Great Streets for Los Angeles.” Related goals include:
Meet Growing Demands: The growing regional rail network and expanding bus rapid transit networks will also increase the demand for transit connectivity within LADOT Transit services. LADOT intends to improve regional connectivity and
expand the network of bus services.
Optimize Resources: Insure that LADOT Transit is providing the right types and levels of service and at the most reasonable prices for riders and taxpayers.
Complement Other Transportation Initiatives: LADOT Transit’s future plans are tied to the expansive commitments made by the City of Los Angeles to projects like bicycle lanes, the Great Streets Program to support neighborhood growth and the Mayor’s Initiative to use data to improve all city services.
What is LADOT Transit’s Moving Forward…Together project?
- A thorough transit service analysis designed to shape the future of LADOT Transit’s Commuter Express, DASH, and Cityride services.
- The study that will provide recommendations that improve existing LADOT transit services and also address unmet transit needs.
What are the goals of the study?
- To meet the growing demand for transit by optimizing resources, and collaborating with other transportation initiatives.
- To recommend improvements to existing LADOT Transit services. and identify new service opportunities
What is the project timeframe?
- The Transit Service Analysis is a oneyear study with a target completion date of December 2016. The project is broken down into three phases:
- Phase I: Assess existing conditions and develop key findings
- Phase II: Develop draft recommendations
- Phase III: Develop final recommendations
How can I get more information about the study? How can I participate in the study and provide recommendations for new and existing services?
- Public hearings: Attend public hearings to hear the Study Team’s initial recommendations, ask questions, and provide comment or input.
- Website: Project updates, reports, and opportunities for feedback can be found at this website. Translation is available via Google Translate.
- Surveys: Take part in our surveys at our survey website.
- Email: You can also email us at
- Mail: 201 N. Los Angeles St., Space 16, Los Angeles, CA 90012.
- Social media: Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube posts will provide notice of upcoming events and the availability of new information. Follow us at: @ladottransit
- Email blasts: You can sign-up to receive updates via e-mail at our email signup page.
- Call-in portal: You can also submit opinions, comments, and suggestions to the LADOT Transit call-in portal: 213-995-4545. Callers can leave their feedback about the initial recommendations using one of 11 languages.
Why is it important to participate in this study?
- Receiving input from the public is crucial to improving transit service in the City of Los Angeles. LADOT wants to hear from its riders and members of the community to better understand their mobility needs. Public input will help shape the changes recommended in the Transit Service Analysis. Participating will also help you stay current on key project updates and recommendations.
Will every area in the City have DASH service?
- LADOT uses its resources to meet the mobility needs of those who live, work and visit the city. Those services are regularly evaluated using City standards for performance. Over the past 20 years, LADOT has introduced a number of new services and is recommending new routes as part of this analysis.
Any person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in this meeting or any person with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) who requires language assistance to communicate during the meeting should contact LADOT Transit at 213-412-8921, no fewer than two business days prior to the meeting to enable LADOT Transit to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility or language assistance for this meeting.
Information about the proposed LADOT Transit route changes/additions as well as the updated Title VI policies will be available at the meeting, on the LADOT Transit website or may be mailed upon request. If you cannot attend one of the hearings, you may submit comments until August 31, 2016 as follows: by phone message: 213-412-8921 by mail: Philip M. Aker, Hearing Officer LADOT 201 North Los Angeles St., #16 Los Angeles, CA 90012 by email: At the close of the public hearing process on August 31, 2016, LADOT Transit will formulate final recommendations to present to the LA City Council for approval. All interested parties are encouraged to attend one of the public hearings or to submit their comments by one of the methods indicated.
LADOT Transit is committed to providing non-discriminatory service and prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin. To notify us of any perceived discrimination, please contact LADOT Transit at 213-412-8921.
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