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CSUN Mass Transit Update


Dear Friend,

As you may recall from recent communications and news coverage, CSUN has been advocating on behalf of our nearly 50,000 current students and employees and the hundreds of thousands who will attend CSUN in the future, to improve mass transit services to our campus. Improvements would assist students in their progress toward a degree, help reduce the 200,000 plus weekly car trips to campus, ease the parking congestion in the surrounding neighborhoods, provide better service for the Northwest San Fernando Valley, and reduce carbon emissions.

We are grateful to the many area leaders and the staff at Metro who have worked with us to make progress on our transportation needs, however, we were disappointed to learn that CSUN was not included on the final draft list of projects in the Los Angeles County Traffic Improvement Plan that will go before the voters this fall. This list, with hundreds of projects and billions of dollars in investments, will be given final consideration and review by the Metro Board at their meeting on June 23.

Our time is short and I need your help urgently.

Please contact the Metro Board and ask them to:
Please amend the Los Angeles County Traffic Improvement plan to include a significant and permanent solution specifically serving CSUN and its surrounding area that will be adequately funded in the first ten years of the plan.

You can contact the Board Secretary here:…/contact-the-metro-board-of-directors/

Contact information for individual Board Members is available here:

Please contact them as soon as possible. We have only a few days before this list is finalized by the Metro Board at their June 23 meeting.

You can learn more about CSUN’s transit priorities at: Thank you for your support of CSUN, our current students, and the hundreds of thousands of future students and employees who will benefit from improved transportation services.


Dianne F. Harrison, President
California State University, Northridge


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